2022 Year In Review: See The Difference For Yourself

It has been another year in which the need for good health has taken center stage. For our friends in Burundi, now officially the poorest country in the world, the challenges of staying healthy are an order of magnitude harder without access to safe water.

The good news is that this year alone you’ve helped us build two water systems, including our most ambitious system yet, and provided clean water to 4,500 people, bringing each of them one step closer to better health. 

From our entire team here and in Burundi thank you!

The support you give ripples through individual lives, families, and communities:

  • One child who is able to stay in school gives hope to her whole family.

  • A family with access to clean water gains access to economic stability and is able to send more children to school.

  • More children in school means a more prosperous community. 

Learn about the two systems completed in 2022

Musinzira-Rwasanga-Mahango, Project #61

Kiroro II-Nyagishiha, Project #62

At the outset of the construction of these two water systems the population relied on primary water sources that were several miles away from their community, and the water there was contaminated. Preventable, water-borne diseases are the leading cause of death in Burundi, which has the 12th highest child mortality rate globally.

Included among the 4,500 beneficiaries of these two water systems are;

  • 665 students and teachers of Rwasanga Primary School

  • 838 students and teachers of Rwasanga College

  • 176 students and teachers of Mahango Primary School

  • 200 worshipers of Rwasanga Catholic Church

  • 130 worshipers of Rwasanga Pentecost Church

  • 100 worshipers of Mahango Pentecost Church

It’s Thanks To YOu!

These projects were funded by wonderful supporters like you. We thank these generous individuals for changing the lives of the people in these two communities through access to clean water. 

Communities like these with Gazelle Foundation water systems have drastically reduced, and in some cases eliminated, the presence of water-borne illnesses among the families that live in them.

However you can support our mission, know that each donation, each drop of clean water works to build a stronger, more hopeful country, one community at a time. How you can help