

Jackie first became aware of the Gazelle Foundation through the YMCA in 2014. That same year she in a YMCA program called "Couch to 5K." After working with a running coach for several months, Jackie and a group of women participated in the Gazelle Foundation Run For The Water that November, for the first time. After that, she was hooked. Not only because she had accomplished a hard worked for goal that forever bettered her life, but because she realized she was part of a larger effort that radically changes actual lives. Jackie says, “Gilbert Tuhabonye's story of personal tragedy turned to individual triumph is just one of my motivations to become a monthly donor. Knowing that each race registration fee raises enough money to provide clean water to a resident of Burundi for life must mean that monthly donations provide that much more. Water is life. What could be easier or more rewarding than providing that every month?”

Since that first race in November 2014, Jackie has remained a loyal supporter of both the Gazelle Foundation Run For The Water, as well as the Gazelle Foundation. Supporters like Jackie, are what makes our work possible. Knowing that we can depend on a certain amount of revenue each month allows us to plan for future projects. Thank you Jackie for supporting our mission, and for changing lives in Burundi!

We Can’t Do It Without You

There are many ways you can fundraise and help change lives with clean water. If you would like more information about fundraising we have put together some resources to make it even easier for you to get started. Learn more.

Clean water is the gateway to improving life quality and reversing the cycle of poverty. It leads to better health, educational opportunities, safer communities, and economic investment. Our ability to complete new water projects is directly tied to your support. You can give the gift of clean water to those that need it most.