Amplify Austin Update

You deserve a round of applause!

Thanks to your generosity, the Gazelle Foundation’s Amplify Austin campaign raised an incredible $18,178! And we won the $1,000 bonus for most donations between the 5-6 AM hour, boosting our grand total for the day to $19,178!

Your donations will soon be a life-transforming change for 640 Burundians.

At the Gazelle Foundation, we know the power of community. Our Gazelle Foundation community — YOU — came together and changed the lives of people in another community across the world. Having access to clean water, preventing disease, increasing school attendance, and stimulating local economies are just some of the tangible and measurable changes you helped to create. But the real change comes when a community is given hope for the future, an opportunity to thrive, and faith in others —that’s the change that transforms lives.

Since 2006, the Gazelle Foundation has built 35 water systems that currently serve more than 70,000 people — and generous donors like you have made that possible. We are humbled and honored by your support.
