October 21: Joy, Faith and Forgiveness

October 21st, 1993. A date that will forever be etched into the mind and heart of Gilbert Tuhabonye. Twenty-six years ago, Gilbert escaped something that none of us could ever fathom: genocide.

It’s rather easy for us to walk into and out of each day without ever thinking how much of a gift and a privilege and a blessing it is to live this life. Each morning is blanketed with hope and joy that is unmatched, unfound in anything else. Gilbert finds that each morning and he exemplifies that. He found that years ago.

On Monday, October 21, 2019, Gilbert Tuhabonye and a group of friends filled 30-50lbs water jugs and walked from Austin’s Lady Bird Lake to the Texas State Capitol in a profound remembrance of the tragic events that occurred twenty-six years ago, and to celebrate the strength in resilience, forgiveness, and gratitude.

While October 21 serves as a day that is both heavy and hopeful to Gilbert, may it also serves as a reminder that sometimes the world can be an unfair and cruel place. Yet even amongst the worst of circumstances and in the midst of unfathomable tragedies, hope and happiness prevail.

Photographs ©Liz Kreutz, @lizkreutz

Everything with Joy

Gilbert’s message isn’t one of sorrow or anger; it’s one of joy, faith and forgiveness. Driven by a desire to unleash the potential of anyone who seeks it – in running and in life – Gilbert’s indomitable spirit moves everyone he meets. He inspires others to believe that they can achieve anything, regardless of the circumstances or obstacles. He is a living reminder that humanity is greater than the sum of all the world’s injustices. And he is proof that the work of a few – or even just one – can make this world, our world, a better place.

Photographs ©Liz Kreutz, @lizkreutz

About Gilbert Tuhabonye Today & The Gazelle Foundation

Today, Gilbert is a retired professional runner, philanthropist, author, motivational speaker and community leader in Austin, where he lives with his wife Triphine and two daughters, Emma and Grace. He is also the owner and founder of Gilbert's Gazelles, one of Austin's largest running training groups, the head cross country and track coach at St. Andrews High School, and a co-founder of the Gazelle Foundation, which provides clean water to people in his homeland of Burundi, Africa.

The Gazelle Foundation supports the philanthropic vision of Gilbert Tuhabonye. The Gazelle Foundation has a track record of success in Burundi. To date over 100,000 people now have access to clean water because of supporters like you. Working in a single, small country means it is easy to track the long-term impact of the water system.

Clean water is foundational to community health and economic growth, and the Gazelle Foundation amplifies those effects by employing local workers and local suppliers in water system development.

Due to the unique nature of the Foundation’s structure and in-country partners, the cost to build water systems is lower than average. The Gazelle Foundation is a certified 501(c)3. Donations to the Gazelle Foundation go directly to funding sustainable water systems in Burundi.

See Latest Update for progress happening right now.

Interested in becoming a one-time or monthly donor, click here.

Access to water empowers people with time for school and work, and contributes to improved health for women, children, men, and families. The Gazelle Foundation is able to make an enormous impact on the everyday lives of Burundians by working closely with them to complete clean water projects one village at a time

The Gazelle Foundation raises money for water projects throughout the year and leads educational projects in Austin Texas on the importance of clean water.